Everything is perfect just as it is
In the last three weeks, working on the Way of Awakening Online course, I came across my own personal challenges again. What made me think about how long we are in processes ... one after the other ... taking layers and layers ...

It made me feel how important it is to exchange, share... And for sure brought me a lot of gratitude for this wonderful tool that is Astrology coupled with the Systemic Vision.
To be able to rationally understand my patterns, fears, wounds, and also my potentials, strengths, talents, so that at some point I could actually feel all this in my practical experiences, experiencing.
Being who we are, admitting our wounds and shadows, and appropriating our gifts is the way of all of us. Each in its own way and time.
Today I came to invite you to look at this, together!
If you've never made your birth chartm how about opening your heart to this beautiful journey of self-knowledge?
If you have already made your map, what do you think of deepening and experiencing experiences in several areas, taking another layer together?
I leave here for you, a reflection for today:
"I do not have to be the best professional, wife / husband, girlfriend, mother / father, daughter / child possible. I just need to find joy in the roles I have chosen for myself." Miracle Choice